Forget about hair for a long time with laser hair removal at Aruna Spa
Laser hair removal: to show off your body whenever you want
Laser hair removal is a safe procedure to prevent hair growth anywhere on the body. And it's for both women and men. At Aruna Spa we use the most advanced technology.
It doesn't matter if you want to remove hair from your face, legs or underarms. Maybe you want the traditional Brazilian bikini or the French bikini. At Aruna Spa you can do it with our laser hair removal service.
Laser hair removal removes between 80% and 100% of hair permanently. It is an increasingly painless procedure. In addition, you forget about annoying ingrown hairs.
When to have laser hair removal?
Whenever you want to. You don't need to wait for a specific length of hair.
Where to have laser hair removal?
Wherever there are experts, as we are at Aruna Spa. We have equipment with the latest technology in lasers to achieve the expected results.
¡Book a FREE consultation now!
Who is the laser hair removal expert at Aruna Spa?
At Aruna Spa the person who specializes in laser hair removal is Mary Arenas.
She is the one in charge of Aruna Spa, in Staten Island, a high quality and comfortable establishment for all its clients.
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